
Undocumented in source.



ubyte[] gridfsReadFile(MongoConnection mongo, string gridfsBucketName, ObjectId id)

IN: mongo - active connection to the MongoDB instance. gridfsBucketName - full path to the GridFS parent of collections .files and .chunks. id - the file object ID, i.e., it's "_id" value. RETURN: The entire file contents in an array.

ubyte[] gridfsReadFile(MongoConnection mongo, string gridfsBucketName, string name)

IN: mongo - active connection to the MongoDB instance. gridfsBucketName - full path to the GridFS parent of collections .files and .chunks. name - file name RETURN: The entire file contents in an array.

ubyte[][ObjectId] gridfsReadManyFiles(MongoConnection mongo, string gridfsBucketName, ObjectId[] ids)

IN: mongo - active connection to the MongoDB instance. gridfsBucketName - full path to the GridFS parent of collections .files and .chunks. ids - array of file object IDs, i.e., their "_id" values. RETURN: An associative array containing id -> entire file content mappings.

ubyte[][string] gridfsReadManyFiles(MongoConnection mongo, string gridfsBucketName, string[] names)

IN: mongo - active connection to the MongoDB instance. gridfsBucketName - full path to the GridFS parent of collections .files and .chunks. names - array of file names. RETURN: An associative array containing file name -> entire file content mappings.
